I’m a married mom of 2, and an ovarian Cancer survivor turned health nut, living on the beautiful Gulf Coast of Florida. I’ve learned the hard way that having the confidence and energy to become the person I want to be, on the inside AND the outside, starts with embracing the pivot of each new season and knowing how to live a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at 21, and went through menopause at 43. These two experiences have shaped my life and forced me to reevaluate how I use diet and exercise to reach my goals.

Overcoming cancer as a young woman, instilled me with a deep desire for prioritizing my health. Then when surgical menopause hit after my hysterectomy, I quickly discovered that what had worked for years, was no longer working for me. Making tweaks to my nutrition and exercise during this time was scary, but necessary, and so much more effective! I know the frustration that comes with stubborn weight gain, low energy, sleepless nights, hot flashes, mood swings, brain fog, inflammation and no motivation. This is why I've made it my mission to help YOU experience your breakthrough, too!

I'm Seana

Hey ya'll

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I can honestly say, I know the overwhelm, the disappointment, and the feelings of failure that come with fluctuating hormones and never-ending dieting cycles. After solidifying and maintaining a healthy lifestyle that has had to evolve over the past several years, I also know that struggling doesn’t have to be your reality. 

I want women to understand the possibilities that come from  having the right tools in place to not only navigate different seasons and reach their goals in a very effective way, but to also build better health in the process.

I truly believe that God carries us through hardships and opens doors for us to use our personal experiences to impact the lives of others. I walk confidently everyday knowing He has brought me through everything in my life to help YOU transform your body and your health at any age!

helping women thrive in every season of life, through proper nutrition and exercise


- tara

"She was so in tune with my age and lifestyle and she created a plan for me that was easy to follow and gave dynamic results. What I love the most about Seana was that everything wasn’t just about the number on the scale. We focused more on how I felt overall, how much better my clothes were fitting, and how I showed up for myself. 10 out of 10, I highly recommend her as a coach to help you reach your health and wellness goals."


Client Love

- emily h.

"A while back I could tell things were not right. At 47 years old I have tried everything but I didn’t feel right…I had bloating, saw I was losing muscle, & didn’t have the energy I used to have. Working with Seana and tracking my macros has worked! Listening to her guidelines on how to tweak my nutrition and workouts has led to no more bloating, back to making strength training a focus (and no more endless bouts of high intensity cardio), my sleep is spot on & I have more energy and don’t always need to grab a caffeinated beverage to get me through my day. 
Counting macros easily fits into my day. Additionally I am back to enjoying being in the kitchen and preparing nutritious meals for my entire family.
Seana gave me all the tools for success & I’m loving the results and making this my new way of living!


- tracy

"After feeling like something was off and going to the doctor, my lab work came back with several areas that needed to be addressed. As a middle aged woman I was nervous, but Seana knew just what I needed. She customized macros that were specific to my needs and I have been supported every step of the way. Thanks to Seana my numbers are so much better now and I’ve started making improvements overall. Seana’s knowledge in this area is priceless."


- emily B.

"She not only has a wealth of knowledge but she genuinely cares. Seana took the time to dig deep to not only calculate my macros to fit me specifically but provide very relevant recommendations for my lifestyle & season of life. I felt extremely comfortable putting it all on the table (my tendencies, my goals, and everything in between) then letting her take the reins! I 100% trust her process & recommend her often.


- janel

"As a 40 something year old mama of 2, I started to feel like a health reset was in order! After years of trying different things, finding what worked for me in my 20s and 30s, what I knew to regain control of my health and nutrition just wasn’t working for me anymore in my 40s. Working with Seana to create a custom plan for me, was JUST what I needed to reset and regain control. Not only do I feel more in control of my nutrition and exercise routines, but the mindset shift I needed, was the KEY! 

She provided custom macros, we tweaked my exercise programming to work FOR me instead of against me and I now have the roadmap to reach my goals long term! I have also regained true motivation to make this a lifestyle I sustain through whatever life throws at me and I can always go back to what I learned time and time again to feel in control of my health as I enter the next phase of my life!"



"She was so in tune with my age and lifestyle and she created a plan for me that was easy to follow and gave dynamic results. What I love the most about Seana was that everything wasn’t just about the number on the scale. We focused more on how I felt overall, how much better my clothes were fitting, and how I showed up for myself. 10 out of 10, I highly recommend her as a coach to help you reach your health and wellness goals."

"I learned so much about my health, wellness, & nutrition working with Seana"

Client Love


A while back I could tell things were not right. At 47 years old I have tried everything but I didn’t feel right…I had bloating, saw I was losing muscle, & didn’t have the energy I used to have. Working with Seana and tracking my macros has worked! Listening to her guidelines on how to tweak my nutrition and workouts has led to no more bloating, back to making strength training a focus (and no more endless bouts of high intensity cardio), my sleep is spot on & I have more energy and don’t always need to grab a caffeinated beverage to get me through my day. 
Counting macros easily fits into my day. Additionally I am back to enjoying being in the kitchen and preparing nutritious meals for my entire family. Seana gave me all the tools for success & I’m loving the results and making this my new way of living!

"Working with Seana has been a game changer for me!"

Client Love


"After feeling like something was off and going to the doctor, my lab work came back with several areas that needed to be addressed. As a middle aged woman I was nervous, but Seana knew just what I needed. She customized macros that were specific to my needs and I have been supported every step of the way. Thanks to Seana my numbers are so much better now and I’ve started making improvements overall. Seana’s knowledge in this area is priceless."

"Thanks to Seana, my numbers are so much better now and I’ve started making improvements overall. "

Client Love


"She not only has a wealth of knowledge but she genuinely cares. Seana took the time to dig deep to not only calculate my macros to fit me specifically but provide very relevant recommendations for my lifestyle & season of life. I felt extremely comfortable putting it all on the table (my tendencies, my goals, and everything in between) then letting her take the reins! I 100% trust her process & recommend her often."

"I have absolutely loved working with seana!"

Client Love

- janel

As a 40 something year old mama of 2, I started to feel like a health reset was in order! After years of trying different things, finding what worked for me in my 20s and 30s, what I knew to regain control of my health and nutrition just wasn’t working for me anymore in my 40s. Working with Seana to create a custom plan for me, was JUST what I needed to reset and regain control. Not only do I feel more in control of my nutrition and exercise routines, but the mindset shift I needed, was the KEY! 

She provided custom macros, we tweaked my exercise programming to work FOR me instead of against me and I now have the roadmap to reach my goals long term! I have also regained true motivation to make this a lifestyle I sustain through whatever life throws at me and I can always go back to what I learned time and time again to feel in control of my health as I enter the next phase of my life!

"Working with Seana to create a custom plan for me, was JUST what I needed to reset and regain control."

Client Love

I believe our childhood shapes who we are but it doesn't have to define us.  As a child, my mom had a dieting obsession and I never really learned how to eat healthy. Fast forward to me at 21-having no clue how to eat a balanced diet, but a deep love for fitness and a desire to fit into the smallest pair of jeans I owned.

Until I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Talk about a wake-up call. Suddenly, my health wasn’t about looking a certain way or seeing a certain number on the scale. Health was my key to living.

After surviving cancer, I knew I needed to maintain my health so I could have a long, fulfilled life. I also saw things through a different lens--life quickly became more about becoming strong and healthy, and fulfilling my passion for helping others, than about being skinny. But if I'm being honest, like most women, I still wanted to feel confident in my own skin, I just wasn't willing to risk my health for it and  I desperately wanted to live a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

I spent my young adult life thinking I had the exercise thing down. Working out was never my struggle. In fact, I considered more hours in the gym each day, my ticket to being healthier. I struggled the most with the nutrition part so I spent my free time reading every "diet" book out there, assuming that dieting is what actually made people healthier, when in actuality it's the driving factor behind metabolic disfunction and a leading cause of hormonal issues.

As a stay-at-home mom, I found myself longing for a bigger purpose. I worked on my wellness and stayed in community by participating in extreme exercise classes and following strict diet regimens, without any regard for what I was doing to my body in the process. I loved being able to stay home with my kids, but I also felt drained and like something was missing in my life. 

As the kids got  a little older, I built a successful interior design business, but my not-so-healthy lifestyle was driving my creativity, energy, and health into the ground. All the while, I had a nagging little voice in my head telling me I was meant for more, and that something needed to change.

Looking back, I had always had a burning desire to use my experience of overcoming cancer to help others, and in my core I knew that decorating homes wasn’t where I was meant to be… but I still had no idea what my next step would be. 

Until finally, along my bumpy wellness journey,  I found macro based nutrition and learned how to fuel my body properly and exercise in a more sustainable way. 

FROM OVARIAN CANCER TO SURGICAL MENOPAUSE, I DECIDED TO NEver allow setbacks to define what my body can do

I'd never felt so in control and balanced in my life! Not only that, but for the first time ever, I started experiencing staggering results and I knew that I was doing things in a much healthier way. After years of hacking my way to fat loss, I realized that food wasn't the enemy, I just needed to understand how to use it to support my goals, and after living this way for just a few months, I knew I was born to coach other women to their own health, success, and freedom. 

THIS was my purpose and where God had been leading me all along.

Then at 43, I was forced to have a complete hysterectomy as another step in my proactive journey to stay healthy and prevent disease. My surgery threw me straight into surgical menopause, and I quickly discovered that although this lifestyle had paved the way for a smooth recovery, this new season involved changing hormones that left me with hot flashes, weight gain, poor sleep, low energy and motivation, and my body wasn't responding to the same to nutrition and exercise strategies. 

What had worked for years, was no longer hitting the same but I was determined to make a comeback! This required changes to the way I ate and exercised. I had to manage stress, get adequate sleep and I started walking more. I also used low dose HRT, and boy was that a game changer. All of these things combined have improved my quality of life.  I can honestly say I feel happier, healthier, stronger and more at peace with my body now than I have my entire life.

My goal as a nutrition coach is to empower you with the most effective strategies for YOUR body so that you can reach your goals without the struggle.

I know without a shadow of a doubt that my story isn’t a fluke. All the trials and challenges I have faced have led me to where I am now, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

You aren't alone! I'm in your corner, equipped and ready to teach you how to embrace the pivot and thrive through this new season of life!




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