Sharing a life beyond yo-yo dieting and giving you resources that will help you change the way you use food and fitness to reach your wellness goals.


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If you are a member of the 40 and over crowd, this is for you. Learn why quick weight loss attempts are hindering your progress — and what to do instead!  If you’re a woman over 40 and trying to shed unwanted pounds through a quick fix, you’re missing the mark. Your long-term results are […]

Why Quick Weight Loss is Not the Answer for Women Over 40

February 17, 2023

Why quick weight loss is not for women over forty

This is for you if you are feeling unmotivated, burned out, and struggling to get the results you want from your workouts. It could actually be less about what you’re doing in the gym and more about what you’re doing outside of the gym! I get it! You’re killing yourself with cardio and working out […]

5 Workout Mistakes That Are Costing You Everything

September 8, 2022