Sharing a life beyond yo-yo dieting and giving you resources that will help you change the way you use food and fitness to reach your wellness goals.


on the

If you’re an active woman in the menopause transition, you most likely need to be eating more protein. To optimize your body composition, longevity and overall health, keep reading. Why is protein so important in menopause?  The hormonal shift we are experiencing during the menopause transition puts us at risk for muscle loss. The loss […]

How to Eat 100g+ of Protein in Menopause

April 11, 2024

How to Easily Hit 100g+ of Protein a Day in Menopause
macro coach carbs to reach your goals over 40 with seana phelps

Do you want to have more energy than ever? You can, when you learn what carbohydrates to eat and when to eat them. This is especially true when you are over 40. You will effectively and sustainably reach your body composition goals! A client of mine recently lost 5 lbs in five weeks. That’s 1 […]

How Carbs Can Help You Reach Your Goals if You’re Over 40!

June 16, 2023

When it comes to reaching your goals and sustaining them long-term, implementing macro phasing is a game changer! Throughout the year, your nutritional intake should phase (or change). Considering summer is approaching, you can look at it through the lens of the different seasons. You may already know you’re going to want to be laxer this summer. The good news is – YOU CAN! By incorporating macro phasing, you can plan out your entire year with intention! 

How To Implement Macro Phasing For Sustainable Fat Loss This Summer

May 18, 2023

I’m unlocking the secret to sustainable fat loss for women over 40 – and it isn’t what you think!  In my last blog, I chatted about why women over 40 need to focus on body composition changes as opposed to quick-fix diets for sustainable results. If you missed that blog post, I encourage you to […]

The SECRET SAUCE to Sustainable Results (for Women Over 40)!

March 2, 2023

Do you want to finally break free from yo-yo dieting this year? Focus on this one thing and keep reading to learn about the shift you need to make to reach your goals healthily and sustainably! Most women I know (including myself) have fallen victim to yo-yo dieting. As a health coach, I talk to […]

The One Thing You Should Focus On to Break Free from Yo-Yo Dieting in 2023

January 7, 2023

Learn how to create a weekly food menu and then plug and play your way to easy macro balanced meals! In my experience as a nutrition coach, when women are struggling with inconsistency in their nutrition it’s typically because they are overwhelmed with creating meals that are balanced in a way that fuels their bodies […]

3 Steps to Prepare Simple Macro Balanced Meals 

August 18, 2022

Boost your metabolism, manage your weight, and build lean, calorie burning muscle when you apply these 5 tips to create protein packed meals and help you hit your protein goal each day. Most women have a hard time managing weight and maintaining lean calorie burning muscle tissue. This is especially true for women that are […]

5 Tips to Make Protein Packed Meals

August 3, 2022

Beat the Heat With My Top Tips to Keep Your Summer Cooking Simple and Healthy! When the kids are home and you’re out of your normal routine, it can be challenging to stay on track. Good news! Your summer goals don’t have to go by the wayside just because you’re busy. With a simple approach […]

5 Tips to Make Healthy + No Stress Summer Meals

July 21, 2022

Well here I am, in menopause…another season of life that comes with changes and challenges. Like my wise friend and book author Tara Renze says, “You’re never gonna arrive. You’re never going to get to the point where you think–yes, this is it!! And then just coast to the end.” For women in menopause that […]

Move Over Menopause: 3 Things I Changed to Manage Menopause

July 7, 2022

It’s easy to under-eat protein when you’re traveling or on vacation. This is especially true when you’re out of your normal routine. That’s why why I prioritize eating protein no matter where I am, EVEN on vacation. My typical protein goal is around 130g/day but when I travel to try to get a minimum of […]

How I Hit my Protein Goal on Vacation

June 7, 2022